EdQual Hosts Third Seminar on Improving Teaching Quality at the University of Bristol, May 2007
Third Seminar - Improving the quality of teaching and learning in under-resourced contexts: what really matters? led by Angeline Barrett, Jutta Nikel, Leon Tikly & Guoxing Yu The international development community and national governments have set themselves the goal of ensuring that all children will have access to and complete free primary education of good quality by 2015 (Dakar Framework for Action, 2000). As more countries move closer to universalising access to education, attention is increasingly being focused on the hardest to reach groups and the quality of teaching and learning.
The seminar draws on a review of recent literature carried out by EdQual researchers addressing the central question: what improvements can have the greatest impact on learning for the greatest number of learners in under-resourced contexts? It will cover three major themes:
*quality as equity - meeting diverse learners' needs;
*curricula to promote relevant learning - recent trends with respect to content,
*pedagogy and language of instruction;
*enabling teachers, including the role of enabling inputs.
View abstract (193.3 kB).